Aussie Hemps Seeds Germination Guide

How To Germinate Your Cannabis Seeds?

Germinating cannabis seeds reliably involves creating the right conditions for the seeds to sprout.

Three environmental factors MUST be controlled

  1. Temperature.  Seeds like it warm(ish). Somewhere between 21C of and 26C seems to be optimal.  Temperature needs to be constant.  No big fluctuations like in garages, garden sheds and attic spaces.
  2. Light.  Cannabis seeds prefer to pop in the dark.
  3. Moisture.  After an initial soaking, cannabis seeds should be damp but not wet.

 Follow this step-by-step guide to ensure high germination rates:

1. Gather Your Supplies

  • Your Seeds
  • Distilled or filtered water
  • paper towel x 2
  • dinner plates x 2 or plastic container with a lid
  • tweezers (optional)
  • Spray Bottle (optional but useful)

2. Pre-Soak the Seeds

   – Why?  Soaking helps soften the seed shell and kick starts the germination process.

   – How?  Place the seeds in a glass of distilled or filtered water and let them soak for 12-24 hours. Keep the glass in a dark, warm place.  Check the water temperature BEFORE you put the seeds in so you don’t shock them.  21 to 26 degrees celsius constant temp.

3. Use the Paper Towel Method (it’s possible your seed sprouted already just from soaking. Skip this step and go straight to step 6)

   – Why?  The paper towel method is reliable and easy to monitor.

   – How?

A. Grab a sheet of  paper towel and fold it in half twice (you will have four layers of towel now) and dampen with distilled or filtered water. It should be damp but not soaking wet.

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B. Place the folded damp paper towel on a plate or in a plastic container.

C. Spread the soaked seeds evenly on the paper towel. Leave at least 20mm between seeds.

D. Cover the seeds with the second damp paper towel. Again, fold it twice and dampen. Very gently press the towel down onto the seeds to eliminate any air pockets.  The seeds should appear as little hard bumps in the paper and you may see the dark brown of the seed coming through a little.

E. If using plates, cover the seeds with another plate to create a dark, humid environment. If using a container, put the lid on loosely to allow some airflow.

F.  Move to a warm dark place.  The top of the fridge can be a good spot or a cupboard in the kitchen.  If using a container, wrapping it with foil is a good way to keep the light out.

4. Maintain Optimal Conditions

Temperature:  Keep the seeds in a warm place, ideally between 21°C to 26°C

Humidity:  Ensure the paper towels remain moist. If they start to dry out, mist them lightly with water using a spray bottle.  The warmer and drier the place you have put them, the quicker the towel will dry out.

Darkness: Seeds germinate best in the dark, so keep them covered. Resist the temptation to keep checking on them

5.  Monitor and Wait 

Check Daily: Gently lift the top sheet of paper towel and look for signs of sprouting (a small white root, or taproot, emerging from the seed).

Time:  Seeds usually germinate within 2 to 7 days.  If you dont have a tap root by day 7, discard the seed and contact support. (they will require some evidence to show you have taken the steps and controlled the variables)

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6.  Transplanting Sprouted Seeds  IMPORTANT.  This step is added just to help you to the seedling stage.  If the seed has a tap root, then any failure from here is on the grower and not open to a guarantee claim.

 Preparation:  Once the taproot is about 6-12 mm  long, it’s time to plant the seeds.


     A. Fill small pots or containers with a light, airy seedling mix or potting soil.

     B. Make a small hole about 0.5 inches or 1.3 cm deep in the soil.

     C. Use tweezers to handle the seeds gently and place them taproot-down into the hole.

     D: Cover the seed lightly with soil and mist with water.  The seeds have plenty of water stored from the soaking, so do not “wet” the soil or the root can “damp off”

7.   Initial Care

Light:  Provide gentle light, such as from a fluorescent bulb or indirect sunlight, until the seedlings are strong enough for more intense light.

Water:  Keep the soil moist but not waterlogged. Water gently to avoid displacing the seedling.

By following these steps, you can maximize your chances of successfully germinating your seeds. The key is to maintain the right balance of moisture, warmth, and darkness while being gentle and patient throughout the process. 

This is a simple guide and new growers should seek expert advice on every stage of the growing process for best results.  More information can be found in our Blog under Resources.

Happy Growing!

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