When and How to Plant Cannabis Seeds in Australia

Last Updated on: October 30, 2024

The cannabis plant is a gorgeous one. Not only does it look, smell, and feel good, but it also will reward you with a bountiful harvest of big, potent buds at the end of your hard work. 

Our team of growers has been growing cannabis in Australia for decades, and we’ve been told by seasoned weed enthusiasts that our bud is of outstanding quality. Yay! 

If you are looking to grow some awesome cannabis plants but you aren’t quite sure how to start, we got your back! Here’s all you need to know about when and how to plant cannabis seeds in Australia

Key Takeaways

  • Depending on which part of Australia, the best time to plant is from September to October when temperatures are close to ideal (25 to 30 °C).
  • To plant seeds, fill up your grow cups with soil, moisten the soil, place one seed per grow cup, and then cover up your cups to wait for germination.

When to Plant Cannabis Seeds in Australia

Close-up of germinating cannabis seedling

Cannabis is a warm-weather crop, and the seed will not germinate well if the soil is too cold. The optimum soil temperature for seed germination is above 20 °C. 

The warm weather from mid-September to mid-May in the south of Western Australia is ideal for growing cannabis.

Cannabis grows well on light- to medium-textured soils, from sandy to light clay loams. Drainage is one of the most important factors to consider when selecting a site for the garden. Cannabis plants do not do well in waterlogged conditions, and using raised beds on clay soil can reduce the risk of waterlogging.

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Planting cannabis seeds should occur somewhere around late October to early December to allow the crop to flower in the new year and be harvested late summer to early autumn.

And if you intend to grow your cannabis in northern cities like Darwin, the summer months of December and January are more suitable for planting. The max and min temperatures during these months are between 32°C and 25°C.

Here’s a table summarizing the growing conditions for different regions in Australia:

RegionBest Growing SeasonAverage TemperatureHumidityNotes
Northern Australia (Tropical)Year-round, with caution during wet season32°C (93°F)HighWatch for mold during the wet season
Central AustraliaSpring to early summer (Aug-Dec)32°C (93°F)LowArid climate and careful water management needed
Southern AustraliaSpring to early autumn (Sep-May)31°C (88°F)ModerateLonger daylight hours in summer
TasmaniaLate spring to early autumn (Oct-Feb)CoolerModerateShorter growing season due to cooler climate
East CoastSpring to autumn (Sep-Apr)VariesModerate to HighCoastal areas have milder temperatures
West CoastSpring to autumn (Sep-Apr)VariesLow to ModerateDrier climate in many areas

How to grow marijuana from seeds

Growing cannabis all starts with planting the seeds. However, you don’t stick the seeds right into the ground. Instead, we use solo grow cups to grow our germinated seeds into little seedlings. Check out our guide on how to find and use solo cannabis grow cups.

Step 1: Fill up the grow cups with soil.

Fill your solo grow cups with soil but make sure you don’t have any clods or clumps. To do that, frequently do a few taps on the bottom. 

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Don’t overpack your soil and leave about half an inch from the top. Put a couple of holes in the bottom for drainage. 

Get your sprouted seeds in place. You don’t want to ever pack your soil. Leave a little half-inch from the top one. You want to put a couple of holes in the bottom for drainage; you can use a pair of scissors or any sharp knife for that.

Make sure that you don’t have any freestanding water in the bottom of the cup. Then 

Step 2: Moisten your soil

Moisten your soil but don’t make it waterlogged. 

Add a teaspoon of vegan Matrix Grow in there. Seeds don’t need much, and you’ll just want to make sure there’s some nutrients in the soil. You can start with neutral soil that has no nutrient mix yet. 

Step 3: Put your seeds in the soil 

Now that their homes are ready, the seeds are ready to go in. 

Get your germinated seeds, and very carefully plant them about ½ an inch into the solo cup with the taproot facing downwards. You can make a hole roughly the size of the taproot. Use one grow cup for each seed.    

Step 4: Give the pots light 

After planting, many choose to put them under indoor lights. You can also choose to put them outdoors so they get sun and warmth, but be sure to protect them from frost or rain. Water the pots with a mister, and not too much. 

One of the most exciting things about growing is when you see the little seedling pop its head out with its first set of little leaves! This should take a couple of days, and now you’re the proud parent of a cannabis plant. 

Read More  When Does Flowering Start Indoor & Outdoor For Cannabis Plants

Final Thoughts

Many parts of Australia are ideal for cultivating cannabis both indoors and outdoors as the plant thrives with plenty of sunlight and in warm temperatures between 25°C and 30°C.

The best time to plant cannabis seeds is from September to October, depending on which part of Australia you are in. 

Ready to grow some awesome cannabis plants? Start with seeds that are disease-free, rich, and can guarantee high yields like our autoflower seeds

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